
Mar 15, 2005 07:58

I am getting ready for work, and for some reason i ended up on LJ reading old friends' journals.. every one seems to be doing well and i am happy and glad! I finally got in touch with my childhood best friend.. which rocks! i think most people know how much i suck at that... oo.. i got a new cell phone after my old one got stepped on... it's still the same number.... .. O, I am fostering a dog, that i am pretty sure my sister will let me adopt... after all it was my sister that said we could foster her.. the dog's name is Ruby, and she is soo sweet... i am a happy girl.. althought sesamee is turning into the middle child... hmm.. o, footloose the movie is playing at a theater off of Newberry road.. and it makes me sad to think back to that last performance... i miss my old citrus drama friends and all the good times we had... i thought i wouldn't miss citrus county.. or high school.. but i do.. i miss it a lot.. but life goes on i guess.. and there is nothing we can do about it.. o wells.... i have econ notes to copy.. woohoo... not to mention government notes and reading and paper to write... grr.. stinking school.. but 49 more days until NY! woohoo!
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