
Sep 10, 2007 02:19

before i state the statement...

i am very unresponsive and unavailable these days in many ways...i apologize for that, but, in the end, i think anyone who might stick around(and actually read rather than dangle) despite that will find it worth it..while they may not know why...

and the statement...

i do love the point that my media player will likely be playing constantly on my desktop until the day i die...hooray for the play-on-top feature =)

...the age in which we live is a dangerous one for reasons i feel very few people would bother to think about...or care side of the invisible argument or the other. i'm happy and torn by the place at which i find myself in it. i find great merit in the necessity of reason to overcome those things that obscure reason, and yet, at the same time, i can forsee how, prescribedly, the future may become a very stagnant place. i fear that one day logic will strangle itself into a prescribed complacency.

i honestly think there is little chance of my greatest fear for humanty(if i had to have one)...but if it were to happen, it would start to happen soon and it would happen completely ignorantly and unbeknownst to most.
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