This song cheers me up every time! It's so sunny! And I have to admit that I really like
Britney's new song as well. Makes me want to go out & dance, in particular with an old friend I just sent a message to on his Hyves-page (he was a great dancer and I assume he still is). I haven't contact him for almost 2 years because I was always the one to contact the other and he never responded to any of my mails/text messages anymore, which was frustrating and somewhat hurtful. But oh - I miss him and I would love to see him again. He was one of those people that I just loved, and I always knew our friendship would end sometime but that didn't make it any nicer when it actually happened. I hope he'll give me a sign of life, it would be nice! (I feel the need to add that he's gay.)
I forgot to mention that earlier this week I had a dream about me having a girlfriend. It was a really vivid dream and it was strange but really nice. She was so nice - blond, blue eyes (incredible)(not the eyes, just the fact that she was blond & blue-eyed). We met at a pool or something, where all people were sitting opposite each other in a long row, and then there were spiders and she removed them for me and I thought 'oh my god, she's amazing, she even chases spiders for me! ♥'. And then we were somewhere else & I whispered in her ear something that I won't repeat here, haha, and then we ran into an alley and kissed. Yay, it was a nice dream :D
Oh, LJ has been eating my comments for a week at least, it's incredibly annoying. Am I the only one with this problem?
I'm so cheerful today for no reason! Yesterday as well, it's nice :D
Edit: And now I forget to mention that I have a new colleague who seems very cheerful & she has dark curls & oh noes, it's a good thing she works on another floor.