Oct 13, 2006 13:59
A Perfect Circle? Is love. Cecine? Is a darling for reminding me of their existence. Oh god. I can't believe I owned Mer de Noms for over two years without ever listening to it. I stupidly stored it but thankfully my sister has the album too (as well as Thirteenth Step, which is also great) so I'm pretty much listening to them non-stop now. I love (re-)discovering bands. Or singers. Or whatever.
Anyway, a week without updates. Nothing that exciting has happened in the mean time, even though a woman of the Dutch Society for the Prevention of Cruelty for Animals (who comes up with such a long name?) called me last week
(HAHAHHAHAH sorry but I just heard Tristan talking so I went checking and he's 'calling' his father with the babyphone or however you call it, and he's going like 'hello dad, yes, yes, hmm, no, yes, no, yes.. *insert laughing*, yes, yes, hm-hm, bye!' *hangs up*) XDDDDD
Anyway. The woman was my 'contact person' when I had to collect money, and she's taking care of the organization of the entire collecting-thing from the part of the city where I live in (which is about a fourth of the city). At any rate, she's going to move so she asked if I wanted to take over her job next year (on a voluntary basis). Of course I'm going to do it, and squee! I think it's awesome that she wants me to do it because this has been my first year of collecting (I collected nearly €90 by the way). But then, I think I'm cut out for the job really because I'm good at organizing things and I love animals and somehow this seems a good opportunity to come into contact with the SPCA. And who knows what it might lead to?
Other things? Oh right, yesterday we went to the Belgian comedian Wim Helsen, who is seriously hilarious XD Oh my god. Something about cutting yourself in seven pieces and then putting your own bodyparts in various trash bags. Oh man. It was great. I was in a good mood to begin with really - I had my first driving lesson after the exam earlier that afternoon and all the parking went so terrible that I couldn't stop laughing XD No wonder I didn't pass (though the parking went fantabulous on the driving test itself). Three weeks. Oh god.
Tonight dancing, it'd better be not as mindblowingly boring as last week. I was seriously bored to death. God. The teacher acts like we're stupid and the people aren't nice and it's going so sloooooow oh god. We're going to transfer to the Thursday group cause the teacher is more fun and there are two couples there whom we get along with really well.
Ehm. I have the feeling I forgot to mention something. Oh well.