Major LJ-neglect alert here! Was too busy slash lazy to update, I guess. My Christmas was surprisingly nice! I had been dreading the Xmas-dinner with Thijs's family that would take place the 25th, but it was actually very nice! We ate Thai food, cooked by Maartje & Jasper, and it was delicious. I also got presents, mostly from Thijs's mother: a quilt (?) for my bed, candles and chocolate. (let's also not forget to mention here Cecine's awesome gift: Norwegian chocolate! ♥ Guh, tastes good!) I have the feeling me & Maartje get along better (finally!). I hope we'll continue that in 2006. Anyway, December 26th I was at home with my parents, sister and a friend of my mother's, Miep, and her daughter, Like. It was so very nice! Like is awesome - she speaks fluent Swedish and has lived in Stockholm for awhile, and she also has the entire Stephen King-collection. Awesomeness. Dinner was good, of course.
What else have I done? I've worked, mostly. And watched movies (Bridget Jones's Diary, Fame, The Motorcycle Diaries (haven't finished that one yet), The Incredibles), which is nice because lately I haven't been watching a lot of movies. I've also been to this clairvoyant sort of person yesterday, which was very very nice. She said some very nice & true & interesting things that I won't get into here.
And I bought Shakira's Fijación Oral volume 1 and now I'm addicted to En Tus Pupilas & No & the acoustic version of La Pared and I need to go to Spain. I also ordered the Enya best of album Paint the sky with stars because that title is to die for and I love Anywhere Is to death. It's nice having money to spend.
I will celebrate NYE at my sister's, together with my parents, Thijs & Arne's parents. I think it will be nice. On December 31th the first live show of Idols will take place, and Emily, a former studyfriend of mine, will do some background dancing in that show. Awesomeness! She did the same during a Kelis-concert in Holland, and she belongs to Dutch singer Do's regular dancers. I think that's great, really.
(does anyone know if Camara is a Spanish first or last name or a city or something in Spain?)
What an incoherent update. Sorry. I'll end with a meme I nicked from
cecine In 2005 I...
{x} broke a promise
{x} made a new friend
{ } done something you swore never to do
{x} lied
{ } stole
{ } went behind your parents back
{x} cried over a broken heart
{x} disappointed someone close (probably, but I don't care)
{x} hid a secret
{ } pretended to be happy
{ } got arrested
{x} kissed in the rain
{ } slept under the stars
{ } kept your new years resolution
{x} forgot your new years resolution
{ } didn't have a new years resolution
{ } met someone who changed your life
{x} met one of your idols (met as in seeing her from not too afar)
{ } changed your outlook on life
{x} sat home all day doing nothing
{ } pretended to be sick
{ } left the country
{ } almost died
{ } gave up on someone important to you
{ } lost something expensive
{ } learned something new about yourself
{x} tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
{ } made a change in your life
{ } found out who your true friends were (I did that a long time already)
{x} made a total fool of yourself
{x} met great people
2005 Bitches And Bros.
Did you meet any new friends this year? Yes.
Did any of your friendships end? For me they'd ended already. They seem to think otherwise, however
Did you dislike anyone? Yes
Did you get into any fights? Yes, not a physical one, but yes
Did you make any new enemies? Don't know. Cees Koster, perhaps XD
Did you resolve any fights? Yes
Who was your closest friend? Samar & Marianne (how unnatural to use that name.. but it's nice for a change ;) )
2005....The Holidays!
Did you have a Valentine? Hahah. Hmm. Yes, then
Did the Easter bunny visit you? Very briefly
Did watch fireworks on the 4th of July? I don't live in the US, thank you
Did you dress up for Halloween? I don't celebrate Halloween
What did you do for Thanksgiving? Again, am not American
2005 Your BIRTHDAY!!!
How old did you turn? 21
What did you do for your birthday? Nothing in particular. Took a walk. Invited family. Ate Indonesian food.
Did you have a party? Nah, I wouldn't call it that
Did you get any presents? Of course! Books, a DVD, a CD, a bracelet, a frame with an awesome awesome poem, candles and other great stuff
2005......The Memories and Accomplishments!
Funniest Memory? Ali B Bommel. Amalia of Sjoerd? Inside humour (or just bad one) that I can't bother to explain
Saddest Memory? Novmber 7th. This hasn't been a sad year and that's the only sad thing I can think of.
Best Accomplishment? Obtaining my Bachelor's degree
Favorite TV shows? Alias, Dancing with the stars, Idols, Gooische Vrouwen, Er is zoveel meer
Favorite food: Good ole Dutch food
Favorite stores? Broese/Donner, De Slegte, H&M, Only, Van Leest
Favorite restaurants? Rio Santa in Goes. Yum times three thousand.
Favorite piece of clothing? My comfy wide trousers
2005.....All about YOU....