Tori Amos concert [ thought we both could use a friend to run to ]

Jun 12, 2005 19:17

Ok, so as you all know I have seen Tori Amos live for the 3rd time yesterday. It was amazing as ever, but let's start at the beginning. I went with Manon and Femke, and we met up at around 5 at Manon's place, who's living in Rotterdam. We had dinner together (pizza, heh), and about 2 hours before the concert would start I was incredibly bouncy. It was insane, it felt like there were insects crawling below my skin. It was terrible to have to wait. Anyway, at around 7.30PM we arrived at the Ahoy, and man, it was crowdy as hell. I bought this poster, because I thought and still think it's incredibly gorgeous. Whoa. Anyway, we went into the hall and there were seats - we were sitting on the 34th row. Not too close to the stage, unfortunately. At around 8ish Tom McRae started. It was pretty nice, but I was far too impatient and bouncy to enjoy it. Thankfully it ended after barely half an hour. We had to wait another half hour after that till Tori actually started. The second she entered the stage everybody applauded and cheered. She was beautiful as ever, with gorgeous long, wavy red hair and a white fluttery dress. And shiny earrings. She sat down and played and oooh it was so beautiful. She is really uncannily good. She can sing, oh God, it's so amazing. Her voice is so powerful and breath-taking...

These are the songs she played, by the way:

Original Sinsuality | Blood Roses | Icicle | Mother Revolution | Silent All These Years | Martha's Foolish Ginger | Bells for Her

Tori's Piano Bar: Personal Jesus (Depeche Mode) | A Case of You (Joni Mitchell)

Barons of Suburbia | Tear In Your Hand | Northern Lad | Marianne | The Beekeeper

E n c o r e 1 : Little Amsterdam | Rattlesnakes

E n c o r e 2 : The Power of Orange Knickers | Hey Jupiter

I was so happy she played Barons of Suburbia - I loved it. Especially near the end, the 'potion to combat your poison'-part. It gave me goosebumps. And Marianne - I was so surprised she played that one, because oh God I love that one so much... Mother Revolution was incredibly beautiful, and Silent All These Years... everything, really.

She talked only twice. The first time was after Blood Roses I believe. She said something along the lines of: 'This is my living room tonight. This is the best place in the whole wide world. It's the only place I won't get arrested for being a feminist.' Heh. I love it when she talks. She has such a soft and sweet voice. Oh God. Anyway, the other time she talked was after Bells For Her. There came a sign with 'Tori's Piano Bar', and she said 'Okay, so I got a few requests of you. They're not horrible, they don't totally suck, so I'm going to play some of them. The fact that I'm in Holland doesn't mean I have to play them, you know, because I'm a bit of a bitch. With lipgloss... *gesturing to her hair* you know...' and I don't know what she said next, but heh, she made me laugh with that. I love her. I love that woman. It's sickening. She is really the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She plays like she's making love to her piano, I love that. She also does a lot of arm-gesturing in between, and she tends to keep her eyes open when she sings something powerful, and oh God, that's just pure intensity. asd;lfkjdsjf;lsdjf;ddjf

She ran from the stage after The Beekeeper, and everybody went up to the front, including us. She returned quite quickly, and played Little Amsterdam. And I was quite close to the stage, although there were people blocking my view. But every now and then I caught a glimpse of her - and oooooooooooooooooh people shouldn't be so gorgeous. It's insane. She went & came back one last time, and really, the Hey Jupiter version was SO GORGEOUS oh my GOD. She kept postponing the end, it really gave me goosebumps. And then she left, with her painfully adorable waving and cute gestures at the audience. God, she even runs cutely, hahah.

Anyway, I was completely blown away again. It was seriously amazing. I'm sooo glad I went, even though I had to miss something awesome for it (more about that in the next entry - friends locked). Tori Amos is seriously a goddess. She's unearthly. Beyond description. Guh. I wish I could have jumped on the stage and crawled onto her lap, heheh.

Okay, I'm going to end with some beautilicious pics.

Eyecandy much?
Oooh pretty pic!
So. Pretty. OMG

tori amos

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