Jun 17, 2002 21:35
I realized today, that I have given a great deal of shit to my dear friend A for posting these insane quizzes on her livejournal. And what do I do? I go and prove that I am indeed ... a toaster.
Yes, I too have fallen prey to the terrible "quiz" frenzy on the internet.
Why ... WHY are there so many quizzes to determine WHAT KIND OF ________ ARE YOU? Who cares?
I am - apparently a conglomeration of the following: a toaster, Albus Dumbledore, Aphrodite, green jelly bean, a strawberry, a slut, mostly heterosexual, exceptionally horney, Tori Amos, the color green, a gogo boot, etc. etc. etc.
Why is it that the lure of an html picture of a horses ass makes me want to see if I am one too? Hmmm???
Step this way, Autumn ... take this quiz! You! Yes, you Autumn! You too can find out that you are indeed .... a Sheeple.
I credit my dear, and terribly funny friend F for coining the phrase Sheeple. People/Sheep. I love it. She also coined the term Playgan. People who play at being Pagan. *giggles* I wonder if she has a word for people addicted to epinions and other internet posting places like LJ? Hmm ...
Hey F! Make up another word, eh?
Goddess help me. I need to get a life.