(no subject)

May 11, 2005 21:28

Hey All ! well there is a lot to be going on with... and im really not going on with any of it! hahaha.

I got a really hilariously funny text from Dan today... he sounded really hyper just in the way he was speaking and exclaimation marking... turns out he had drunk (rather, sculled) four cups of coffee earlier on today! haha. He ran into one of my friends, Dave... who i think he is in love with... hahaha. and he bought guitar strings and had a soap dispenser explode on him... i still dont know the full story, he tried to call me earlier and then sent me a message cus i was at work at that time, and by the time i got out of work, he would have been at a class, teaching. so no go there. still in all, i laughed quite a bit. was good to laugh. i just love getting random messages from him.

I miss Missy... darling, how are you? send me an email or something if you read this?

uni is really going just fine. not much to report. all my assignments are in the planning stages at the moment. lots of planing to be going on with. soon they will be due though, and i will start to self destruct

I keep getting really tired stuff and it is really really odd. i think im getting old. or something. i dont know. maybe, i dont know. but work today was icky. i felt exhausted for the first half of my shift. i think it was cus i hadnt had any coffee... at least someone got lots of it today! aka:Dan!!! hahaha

I have been trying to do a lot of things lately. Keep up with uni. Work on my voice. Write. Read books. Make cookies. Listen to music. Go places. There is just so little time. Does anyone else feel like that?

Hey dvactriz ! *waves arms around*

I Told you i havent gone anywhere. I wanna know this little secret of yours. I also want a huggle. From you, and one from Dan! Hehehe! Dammit i miss that boy. it sucks muchly like. I wanna talk to you... *whhaaa*

Love you all so very muchly ! Bye byes.

Cuddles and xxx's for all!


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