Finding my Muchness

Mar 15, 2010 16:42

So it's been awhile since I've posted here. That is usually a sign I'm more away from the computer and living my life, happily. I have had time for Facecrack, but it's easier to update there. Here I feel like using when I have more to say and update about my life.

Wicked Faire came and went. I wasn't exactly where I wanted to be, weight-wise, but I was close and we had an amazingly great time. i saw more performances this week, but as usual with these things, it's far more about the socializing with so many wonderful people I only get to see at events like this and festivals in the summer.

Our wonderful friend, Spawn, reserved a block of rooms for our grouping of friends and had a party suite reserved for us to use. That came in handy Saturday night as we easily had close to 40 people in the room I shared with chainsaw_larry  and forgedangel  that night. So many wonderful costumes, performances and good times with good friends. Thanks to everyone who came to our room and had a good time with us. There are too many of you to list. But the spillover wound up in the Spawn party suite. Still wound up with quite a few people in our room right until 5:30am. I was considering not getting a room next year, but now I can't not do it. It was even better than last year which was great in many ways, but difficult in many others. It was a turning point for me.

My last couple of weeks has been all about Larry and I adopting a puppy. We have had issues with the mgmt company and landlord of our apartment complex. They have several different pet policies with different tenants all in effect at once. One person's lease was changed to include her dog while Larry's lease was in effect. When we tried giong through the proper channels to pay a deposit and extra rent eery month to have the poochie, we were shot down AND threatened with having my car towed since I'd been parking in the lot and wasn't on the lease and that I needed to pay $40 for a credit check and be on the lease to live here. It was then we decided we wouldn't stay here. They obviously don't want our money so we'll take it elsewhere. IN the meantime, we did indeed adopt an adorable little bundle of joy from The Last Resort in WEst Milford, NJ. They do wonderful rescue work for all kinds of dogs. He is a mixed Jindo mutt and 10 weeks old and smart as a whip. larry really wanted to use a norse or fantasy name. we made a list, but I mentioned the rune, Wunjo, as being a good descriptive name for what he'd be the product of for us......pure joy as from a gift.....that is what he is and what we have been for each other, so it was perfect and it fits him. He is a joy.

he's made a new friend in Brun Kell, aka Brun smoochie. It's been exhausting and really rewarding. We are so happy right now it should be illegal. Tomorrow he meets his grandma, Larry's mom who is coming to bring him to Allentown to pick up a tool he bought for doing more woodworking that will help him greatly in doing fuzzy1313 's hoff. We gamed virtually via skype last week since it Wunjo's his first few nights at home. That actually worke dout pretty well. Not as good as being with our gaming friends, but at least we got to play. We haven't had an accident in 2 days, so housetraining is coming along really well. I cannot speak enough about the benefits of crate training. Amazing.

I haven't gotten to Staten Island as much as I'd like to lately.  I miss Charlie and the kitties alot, but it's harder than I thought finding time. Part of it recently has been every day I've had time to go, it's snowed...ALOT. Now all the snow is gone and we have the puppy. This week is nuts.

ON the sunday after the big snow, I slipped on icea going to my car in the parking lot and fell on my wrist in turn twisting my shoulder and it's been messed up ever since. I worked out on it with yoga and step classes for a week and that made it worse, so last week I laid off and went to the doctor at Larry's urging and made an appt with an orthopedist for tomorrow. I miss working out and my eating's been horrible without it. I'm looking forward to walking more with Wunjo as he grows and actually hiking with him soon now that the weather's going to get nicer. Wish me luck with the impending MRI I know will be coming. I hope it just will require some rehab and not surgery. Sometimes it's fine then suddenly......YOOOOOOOWCH. Mostly in the front part of my shoulder, where the chest and arm muscles meet and attachto the collarbone.

but i"m staying on the positives. I hope to get to spend more time with my sister, Teri, now that the weather is improving too. I live so mch closer to her now. I wish Val were closer so we could all spend more time together. It's true when they say there just isn't enough time in the world to see everyone you want to spend time with.

I'm going to be taking formal digital photography classes in late May at the local HS finally. I've been wanting to scratch this creative itch for a very long time. I need to find my muchness again.........and go back down the rabbit hole. And I intend to bring anyone attached to me with me for an adventure. No drama, just creative good times.

I did see Alice in Wonderland with the lovely forgedangel  last wednesday in IMAX 3D. And while I'm not quite AS enchanted as I was with Avatar, it was a great experience and film and I loved it and will probably try to see it in the theater again before it leaves. John Depp wasn't him for me, he WAS The Mad Hatter. Everyone was cast well and it was a ride, for sure. It would be really difficult to top Avatar for me just like Lord of the Rings is for me or the original Star Wars and Indiana Jones films. Epic.

Friend coming in from out of town in Boston on business actually to the Budd Lake area on Wednesday, so after my tattoo appt (yes, my sleeve is really coming along and there are photos of it on Facecrack and I'll post more when this appt is done), I'll come home and she's coming over to meet Larry and the poochie and we'll go out after dinner for some green beer.

No concerts in the immediate future but two we won't be missing this year are Rob Zombie opening for Alice Cooper and then Dream Theater opening for Iron Maiden at MSG. Wow.

No starwood this year. Too many other festivals and STarwood being in Ohio and another 1-1/2 hours away makes it that much harder to justify. I won't be at brushwood at all this year either. I'm sad I won't get to celebrate and enjoy festival time with some of those friends, but I'm already doing Beltane, FSG, East Coast Thing (Asatru festival that Larry's kindred, Vingolf, is running this year) in August and Fires of VEnus in the fall. That is alot of money and alot of puppysitting for Larry's mother or bringing him to a kennel (more money). I'm okay with slowing down how many festivals we attend, too. I love them, but they're pricey and when you go to so many, they somehow seem less special. We're considering doing Sirius rising next year in lieu of FSG for Larry to see Brushwood. But that's a long way off.

I have an initiation to attend on Friday night and there is a temple Ostara on Sunday. I'm having a hard time asking Larry to puppysit yet again as he's helping me with all my things this week and I won't leave poor puppy alone for more than 2 hours at a time right now. he is still new here and I want him to be well-adjusted. I ahven't been to a sabbat since Samhain. This distresses me as I feel disconnected from my tradition now somewhat and from the wheel, except in keeping my own altar changing with the seasons. I can do things on my own, but as a social animal as I am....I crave community. And I"m sure things will settle in again and I'll have that again, whether it is the one I've been with all this time to celebrate with or another. I have yet to be able to make any astrology stuff between my shoulder injury, the snow and the new puppy. It's frustrating because it was something I've been looking forward to. Is the message to push harder forward for the knowledge or that this isn't the path I'm supposed to take. That is what I need to meditate upon right now.

We will be holding a puppy shower to formally welcome wunjo to our lives, as well as an excuse to enjoy outdoor BBQ time with our friends on May 15th. If you weren't already aware of this, you are now and you're invited..just let me know you're interested. The location will be announced shortly as soon as we confirm the reservation. The park we've chosen has an off-leash dog run in it for the poochies to run around and enjoy themselves if people want to bring their dogs with them to play with wunjo

Okay off to get some other things done. I have missed updating in here.

I guess to sum it all up, despite an injury and a couple of frustrations with time management. I'm so blessed and happier than I've been my entire life. Happy Spring Equinox this weekend, all!
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