Jun 11, 2005 02:13
hey im "incapacitiated" im writing so fucking slow...sorry. theres like girls uipor someshuit. i wrote a sonig for peter, that guy takes or of me man. im drunk write there at hishouse....sorry guys each and eveyr day is a horror tyo theey days of which we ;ead each skeleton is a wallpaper....of flowers that lead into the skeleton of a horse. the story of a lifetime consiusts of me and the kse;eton walppaper fashion of a dread mislead i never thought that thiswould the end of all the march of drakness. but i guesss it is. im ate your hoiuse i miss you., we make no sinmce. to the thirst the end of alll i know thjis makes no sense due to a fucking substane. i M NOT YOU I AM, NJOT ME I AM AN ORIGINALY I FUCKING BE, I KNOW NO WAY, I KNOW NO CURE, U KNOW YUOU ARE, MY ONLE TRUTH. BUT F THIS LEADS, TO MMY DEA TH, FUCKING PRAYTO DEATH, THIS IS MY DEATH, SO SAY GOODBYE I AM GOUINGTO DIE,. IVE NEVER BEEN LIKE THIS, IM LEAVING YOU,. EXIT & 7 6 EXIT & # XIT & 76 EXUIT * # IM SO FUCKING SORRY THAT I COULDNT BE THIS EMOTIONAL WHEN I WAS ALRIGT BU TTHJATS OAKY, I DONDT FUCKING CARE. I MISS YOU ALL I MISS YOU ALL I VE NEVERBEEN LIKE THIS MAN