Apr 09, 2013 11:04
Me: The Child of William Desired-Protector: The fruitful and favored mistress.
Lucy: The Child of Gerard Spear-Brave: The bright and wished-for child.
Notice how I'm all about producing and protecting, hearth and home and feminine energies, dutiful but willful, while Lucy is the shining brilliant knight who was a wish fulfillment. I'm a helmet, a shield, and she is a spear, a sword: defense vs attack. Duty vs Desire. The darkness of being a mistress, the unmarried woman, vs the lightness of a precocious and intelligent heir. Both loved, both needed, but in very different ways.
I feel like our names are a moral and a message, in a way.
I fear not being loved, but I need to see that I am desired for what I do, chosen to do it because I'm good at it, fruitful and protective; the mother who defends her children and her home from attack and takes the weight of duty on her shoulders.
Lucy struggles with meeting expectations that are placed on her, thinking she isn't good enough, bright enough, worthy, but she has to see that she was truly born ready to step into her rightful place in the world, if she just stands proud and bravely takes up her sword like the white knight she was born to be.
Yeah. That's right. Stacye=INFJ and Lucy=INTJ. No escape. It's in the names. Sword and Shield.
(ps- I used Mae/May as your middle name because it is your name but I just couldn't remember the three component names. I could have also used the Japanese 'Mei', which is "the sound of birdsong", but either way it's really a very nice name. I broke mine into Leah and Anne/Hannah because Leahanne is not a real name according to the whole world, and I chose the 'Eustace' root of Stacye rather than 'Anastasia' because I prefer being fruitful to being a zombie, thanks. though, I suppose you could take resurrection as metaphorically meaning someone who gets up after falling down, or being literally "up-standing", like in the Greek translation, in which case, yeah. I'll take it. and it's still Über INFJ.)