Mar 28, 2013 00:49
At work, a young woman with a sling and cast on her arm came in walking a lapdog with a service animal vest. I watched everyone hug her and chat and she seemed so sad, I worked out that she must have a condition, and she spoke about being on her father's floor for a while, so I gathered that she was unable to move after she broke her arm. Likely, she fell unconscious and broke it. Not a lot to go on, so I asked some co-workers and regulars "Who is the gentlewoman?" and one regular lady said that I am "very unconsciously observant" because it is very apt to call her a "gentle woman" and she would like that name very much and that the gentlewoman had epilepsy and recently fell and broke her arm. The dog warns her and makes her sit before she falls. I was pleased I got so much right. Sad about her, though.