In this post I suggest that my Myers-Briggs type is the same as Tigers:

Jan 13, 2012 10:00

As evidence; ISFPs generally have the following traits:

Keen awareness of their environment

Live in the present moment

Enjoy a slower pace - they like to take time to savor the present moment

Dislike dealing with theory or abstract thought, unless they see a practical application

Faithful and loyal to people and ideas which are important to them

Individualistic, having no desire to lead or follow

Take things seriously, although they frequently appear not to


Special bond with children and animals

Quiet and reserved, except with people they know extremely well

Trusting, sensitive, and kind

Service-oriented; they’re driven to help others

Extremely well-developed appreciation for aesthetic beauty

Likely to be original and unconventional

Learn best with hands-on training

Hate being confined to strict schedules and regimens

Need space and freedom to do things their own way

Dislike mundane, routine tasks, but will perform them if necessary

I hope that this has convinced you. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury; I rest my case. *sits*

wha-? shut up stacye!, what is wrong with you?, happy, t&b

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