008. Starbucks & Evil Store

Oct 15, 2015 20:55

Thursdays Trisha, Diane and I try to get together for coffee (at least). Lately with Trisha and my brother fixing up their house, she's been so busy (and us too when we head over there the help)...but she took a break tonight and we all got together at Starbucks for some great laughs, fun conversation and delicious goodness.

I tried one of Starbucks' new flavors, the toasted graham latte and oooooh my goodness it was delicious! I will definitely get it again the next time we go. It was really great to just sit back and relax and chat for almsot two hours.

Diane talked about the cruise she just got back from and we grilled her about it because it's the same cruise we're going on in less than a month. It sounds like she had an amazing time so that gives me hope. This will be my first cruise ever so I'm just a little nervous, but almost everyone I know that's been on one raves about it (only one person out of like 20 hated the experience LOL).

After Starbucks we went to the Evil Store (AKA Target). I never leave that place without spending at least $100.00 and tonight was no different. I did buy a lot of stuff for the cruise though (shorts, which were on a crazy sale because summer is totally over), some cute shoes to wear to the Ice Bar on the cruise (yeah, a bar made of ice, haha), and some travel-sized toiletries.

I also bought hair dye to dye my hair on Saturday. I always go light (blonde highlights, etc --my hair is dark auburn), but I'm going red this time. Not like a crazy red, but a dark one that will hopefully not be too out of whack for my skintone. I shall see.

So it was a very fun night with two of my favorite people. Below are two pictures. One at Starbucks with my chicken santa fe flatbread and one that isn't so great after the sun set with the crescent moon in the sky (you can totally see it ... sorta :D). Damn phones. I really need to start carrying my camera with me everywhere again!

feeling: great, bff: diane, went: shopping, feeling: happy, planning: trip, feeling: amused, went: to hang out, bff: trisha, photography: cell phone shot, went: out to eat, photography: food

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