Feb 11, 2004 22:50
i jus got done watching tuesdays with morrie for the second time. the first time we saw it my grandma was still alive but i cried the last time too... we watched it again tonight and it reminded me so much of my grandma i cant even describe.. i cant stop crying and i jus feel so guilty because the only time i really cried was when my grandma died and when i got home and i told reenee and kayliegh that my grandma had died and they said "it happens ppl die" i miss my grandma soooo much i jus still need her. she never really got to see me really going to church... she will never really know about me goin to college working with animals.. she got to see that with my cousins... and like when i was watching the movie i jus realized how freaking retarded my cousins were for not coming to visit my grandma. im jus so happy to know that even her last days she remembered when she helped me with circle the state and all the things we did. i have forgiven ppl for the comments but the pain will always be there... i jus wish that she wouldnt have suffered for so long.. she is in a better place now but i jus wish that i would have had even more time with her... i love you grandma...