Aug 27, 2008 09:45
I am laughing at my last post here. It's definitely been a while but I come back cause I love to see what friends are saying, doing, pondering, etc...:)
I can say too I have been posting most of my blogs on and yet I am afraid I am going to lose my blogs because it is down a lot. :\ I started a Blogger account a while ago so that I had a place to put my musings but you know I am at the point too where I get invited to soooo many networking blogging things that it pretty much drives me crazy. I like the communities on Tribe but I am not ready to have 20 million places where I need to go beyond Tribe, here and myspace. I think that is plenty really. Everyone wants you to be on their networking stuff and I really don't have that kind of time.
Hooping, hooping, hooping...ok I found this new love and have been in love since June when I took this up. I hoop pretty much every chance I can get. I have been making them too and selling them to friends. It's just been so much fun. I feel like when I go to places and take my hoops and people get in them saying, "I haven't done this since I was a kid" and then they swirl that sucker around their waist grinning from ear to ear I am bringing out that inner child in them. It's so fun to watch that. And if they don't feel like they can get it I encourage them just to try. Just to see. It has been the best exercize for me. I hate to "exercise" in a traditional way but I have always loved dancing and dancing with the hoop is even better. It is meditative for me. I meditate a lot and am liking the centering meditative feeling of hooping. Meditation in action - knitting scarves is like that for me too. :) My goal is to hoop fire by next summer. I have a friend who is talking about creating a local conclave in Frederick so I am going to keep poking at him to do this...:) I need to work with fire and hoops and get the full aspect of this within and without.
Things in spirit - I have been doing a lot of that. Allowing that growth. Allowing for the growth to come out and that energy to be. I have been to some awesome fire circles, up all night. Been to some burns this year too. It's been a very busy summer compared to the going within summer I had last year. I am working to find that complete balance in action and quiet. I have found that at points I am more in action and get worn out because I do tend to put my whole being in action as much as I do quiet. July was nuts and I learned from that. I was going to hit fire circles this weekend but realized that 1. I did not want to be where I was going for reasons that are too long to explain and 2. I needed down time before September hit. I am booked every weekend and so I know I need this time before hand. I am going to a friends baby's 3rd birthday party and I probably will paint my bedroom cause I have had the paint for a couple of months now and it's a good time for it...:) And I am allowing for down time too. Time to play and hoop as well as relax and be.
I think what I will do is use this space to post what I post from Tribe. It would be a great back up for what I post for sure.
Hope all are doing well!
Hugs and blessings