friendship Originally uploaded by
theislandvibes I actually have nothing to say about this photo, except that we really like to get stupid.
Would anyone think that someone in this photo will be graduating with a pretty high GPA? Not saying that how a person looks should be the basis of measuring intelligence, but still. A couple of people here are faded, but we're still all in good fun.
Then there's Ceazar. No worries, he's straightedge. He doesn't like alcohol. I guess he's just that crazy and I'm very fond of him anyway. He really should teach me how to sew.
At the end of the night though, I sat down at some obscure spot in the house and asked myself "This is fun, but it's so noisy..." I got a headache afterwards. I wanted to be alone not long later. I step out of my comfort zone from time to time and I'm really the mellow, lowkey kind of person. Going to loud get-togethers is really out of my element and as such, because it was a party with a lot of my good friends, well... why not go?
I also don't have to leave. I've been fearful of leaving, but I'm staying.
Geno, random love. I hope finals went well.
Speaking of finals... Back to studying.