Sep 27, 2006 22:07
Today I thought I'd go shopping after a stop by the allergists, but instead I went home and made squash (and toasted the seeds) and granola and chatted with my housemate. She should have been studying.
Over the past few days, I've done 6 loads of laundry. My bed is even close to made. I'm going to bed soon... which is over an hour earlier than usual.
Pax and I will be meeting a financial goal with the credit card, and if all goes well, I'm hoping that we can be in the market for a house this time next year. That means that we're on track for the 3 year plan (we're a bit over a year into that plan..). I'm hoping the housing market continues to ease down until then....
Doing the dishes doesn't seem like a herculean task. Nor does cooking dinner.
Several times in the past few days, I've surprised myself by just *doing* something that I would have procrastinated about before. Like starting my 401k. Or emailing Westfield State about their teacher program. Previously, I would have stalled because I wanted to be sure I'd have the energy to deal with any repercussions.
And about that 3 year plan? Pax and I have been discussing things I can do to be a WAHM when our kids are young, and then teach when they're school age. It's like walking down a trail in the woods... the path is there, just.... there.
I spend less time worrying about what people think of me, and more time BEING me.
I'm not 100% sure if this makes me saner or crazier than I usually am, but I think I like it, at any rate! I'm not certain what caused this... living in a better amazing place? Being married? The job/paycheck? The pills? The shots? Dance? The people in my life? Most likely a fusion.
I've been passing time in the allergists office reading about how Voudou healing is all about healing relationships. I find the juxtoposition of the two medical models interesting, though I seem to naturally lean much more toward the Voudou model.
(also reading: The Brightonomicon, another Robert Rankin book)
good days,