Sep 24, 2006 23:53
so techincally I shouldn't...But I love Condoleeza Rice. She is so awesome. Now you may not like her because of her associations with Bush. But, i mean...she's so cool. So well spoken, so eloquent and talented. I mean, she could tell me the Earth was flat and I'd believe her. Really. But this is my favorite thing in the whole world:
Katie Couric: *talking about the war in Iraq and the spreading of democracy* ...As my daughter says "Who are we to be the boss of them?" Can we really do that?
Condi Rice: We're not bossing them around. We're giving them assistance to allow them (other coutries) to free themselves from a government they don't support. (something to that effect).
Now whether you agree or not with Condi, she's still pwns. ..this is seriously what I heard:
Katie: *Moo* MY DAUGHTER is liek teh greatest political genius evah and I'm about to claw you you figure head H0r!
Condi: Bitch please. Your dumb breeder self is no match for my command of Chopin and the english language. *Childfree pwns*
So yeah. Well also I hate Katie Couric. Because she's so...dumb. She just is. Like when she asked if Rice wanted to get married:
Condi: Not in the abstract. *pwns again*