*shock* Two entries in a row~! XDD I'm so happy, I had to share~!
Look what arrived in the post for me today from
I LOVE YOU, Chung~! ♥ ♥ ♥
OMG This was awesome! THANK YOU SO MUCH~! *huggleshuggles*
Scenario: Grams goes to me, 'You have a package.' I saw it and SQUEELED! And then when I opened it, I was thinking, 'There's so many things in here!' Pulled out a letter, a card, a TV Guide anndd OMG FINE BOYS JUNE 2006 WITH YAMAPI ON THE COVER~!
I wasn't expecting it, so it was an *awesome* surprise~ ♥ ♥ ♥ What's more, the card and letter are sooooo cute~! AND a shop photo of Pi~! SO KAWAII~!! I had so much fun reading the letter, that I hadn't realised how much I missed receiving handwritten letters until today. Chung, your handwriting is very pretty too! My first birthday card/pressie! I'm so happy I can barely sit still~ And she tells me that there's *more* coming.
Hun, that's MORE than enough, I'm so super happy already~! Now I have to think what to send you for your bday~ Uwaaa I love receiving mail~ ♥
Does anyone wanna be penfriends? I would love to send and receive handwritten letters more~
Since I was transferring the above pic over from my camera, I transferred these two as well. For anyone who's interested, this is my JE wardrobe (result of me and my cousin being *very bored* when she stayed over a couple of months ago), and my already overfilled Jap magazine cube on my shelf. I think I have to clear out some of the others...And to think I've only been a fangirl for five.. six, OMG I've been in the fandom for exactly six and a half months! Didn't even notice.
Ah I wanted to talk about a couple more things, but I got distracted by grams and have now forgotten. Lol oh well. *shrugs*
Edit: Oh, I have to mention this ~ I ordered the issue of Tarzan with Yamapi on the cover off
mellowdee Hehe. *giddy*
*gasps* 2gigs left on either drive of my laptop~ craaaaaaaap...