Just some random thoughts and a general warning

May 08, 2007 00:03

Alrighty, I should probably mention where I've been for so long. Most of you already know, I have lupus as well as some other health problems. It's been one hell of a year with my health. I've also had quite a lot of drama in that world they call "real life". Nothing good, I might add. Struggling financially and under A LOT of stress right now.

That said, other things have been more important than icons and ER. Still are, but I'm trying to come back at least a bit. Still under an insane amount of stress and therefore, I'm moody. So be warned. I'm also probably a bit more opinionated and a lot more likely to speak my mind. If you don't like what I have to say then you are more than welcome to take a hike. This is, after all, my journal. :P

I do plan on making icons, although I know for a fact to start they will not be as good as my old ones and probably never as good as the ones you see in some other people's journals. It's been a long time and I've been through a hell of a lot. I don't remember all of my old techniques. I'll be doing a lot of experimenting and hopefully can come up with some that people will at least somewhat enjoy. Sometimes I prefer just plain old icons myself rather than the fancier ones you see about. So expect some fairly plain ones.

I will be doing icons of ALL season 13 characters - even if I don't particularly care for them. That means you will even be able to find Gates icons here. Yep - Gates. I can't stand the man myself, but that never stopped me from doing Clemente during season 12. I also know a lot of my old friends are roomies, and I will really try not to disappoint. I will be definitely doing quite a few Ray/Neela icons. I'm not a huge roomie fan myself, but I do like the pair and agree that these two belong together. :)

And of course, Luby.. lots and lots of Luby. As I said, my icons may not compare to others, but as long as at least one person out there enjoys them - that's all that matters to me. :)

Now that I'm done generally bitching, I should also say thank you to those of you who stayed friends with me even though I've been away so very long. Even more thank you's to those of you who left me messages checking on me while I've been gone. I am very sorry I didn't return those messages sooner, but I cannot express how much I appreciate them. Good friends make the icons worth making! :D
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