глобальная интернет-слежка за обсуждениями вакцин действует уже три года.

May 31, 2013 12:55

ну как, у всех шапочки из фольги на месте? поехали!


"SPURIOUS and unscientific claims about the dangers of vaccines can now be tracked as soon as they appear on social media around the world. ... British and American scientists have developed a computerised monitoring system which alerts experts to quickly spreading rumours, outright lies, misinformation, and legitimate public concerns, about vaccinations in 144 countries including Australia. .... Between May 2011 and April 2012, 10 380 reports concerning vaccinations were identified and categorised. .... The researchers also devised a system to identify the types of concerns found on electronic media and prioritise reports according to their potential to disrupt vaccine uptake."

And yes, this message is also getting recorded.

ps: если источник вам кажется недостаточно интересным, тут за $32 можно прочитать в, так сказать, оригинале: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(13)70131-2/fulltext

heresy, i'm not paranoid

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