violent red visions... famine and death and pestilence and war..

May 19, 2006 19:31

i have strep throat.


my mom is lovely and wonderful and brought me home my perscription, throat spray, and some liquid benadryl..the doctor said it would help numb my throat ?..nothing has changed thus far..

loooong week..

but last thursday through this tuesday...perfection.

for starters...

luke came to see me !

i wanted him to see some more of the a-t-l..soooo we went to six flags with elias (lane didnt want to go :( he is afraid of rollsercoasters and he is sadly addicted to star wars galaxies...again.)

luke and i also ventured for a visit to the aquarium..

it was one of the best weekends of my life..but now the time and distance take their toll once more..

but soon, hopefully more soon than i think, the distance shall no longer reign..

here are a few random pictures from driving around and such..

but even when something seems right, there must not be perfection..i cannot shake that vacancy from myself, and i do not will it to leave. i just want things to be as they should, and im not even sure where to begin..

i just know what is missed, what i fear i may no longer have.
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