..the undead..

Feb 02, 2006 15:12

..black coach..

once a pariticularly powerful vampire is slain, it is not certain that the world will be rid of this predator of the night. many of the greatest lords of the undeath have returned after their bodies have been destroyed, for who can say which is the master, death or the vampire?

if the servants of the particularly powerful vampire can gather his ashes (for once a vampire's life is taken, its body will feel the weight of time and crumble to dust) they will contrsuct a coffin to keep them safe. then by performing unholy rituals they will create a carriage to carry the remains of their lord and take it to places of slaughter. battlefields and plague-ridden cities in particular strengthen the regenerating spirit of the vampire.

this ghostly apparition is driven by an insubstatial wraith and pulled by two grisly nightmares. the legends say that even if the creatures are destroyed, the coach can continue to move on its own pushed by supernatural powers. the black coach is an awe-inspiring, unholy thing from the realm of undeath, which feeds on the souls of mortals. its mere presence can drain the lifeblood of men and the more it slays, the more terrifying its power becomes.

few symbols of death are as horrifying for mortals, or as potent an aid to the undead. it is said that the blood of ten thousand mortals can stir the vampire lord from his slumber, ready to walk the land of the living once more.

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