for those of us who are into World of Warcraft
My druid has come out of another chill out period and did some major instance gear grinding.
Rewards you ask?
1) 100% speed Epic Mount (Black War Raptor)
not really from any instance grinding but a cool 540 gold, so damnit i'm going to show it off.
2)Tunic of the Nightwatcher Underbog trips and it finally dropped. I am a happy cub.
3)Crystal Fire Staff +spell and healing effect than my previous staff by about 30, but more stam, more int, and definitely a nice improvement in spell crit rating.
4)Moonkin Headdress so i'm cheating...this is a quest reward but damn that is a sexy hat.
I now have 4 leather armor items instead of 1 out of 9. If only my goddamn Starlight Gauntlets would drop.'m going for my 6th run of Underbog tonight. I am damn determined.
I just gotta search up some more gear to go after. Switching to moonkin has been fun..but this weekend getting some new gear and drops (even if it was just a quest reward lol) has made the spec even more viable.
I was in AB and was able to out dps a 68 hunter that kept coming after by simply spamming him with wrath. yay new gear.
ok...for those of us not into WoW
i've also been practicing quite a bit. I'm rather happy with my oboe playing especially. Competition comes up on october 19th, just after my birthday. My music isn't in the best shape, but I think it will be in stellar condition come the appropriate time.
gosh i am tired...time for class