Nov 18, 2006 17:21
my nintendo Wii situation is getting all screwy
i didnt realize that doing a show until 10pm would put me in this situation. i was hoping the stores around here would be getting more than 20 units...
so it looks like i'm gonna have to wait a bit to get my wii since i wont be out of my show until after 10pm. there are a lot of 24 hour walmarts around here. most of them have lines of 10-15 people....but by the time 10pm comes around i'ms ure all the 20ish units will be alloted for at each store.
i've got one store thats doing a 6am sale that I think i might get in (since they have the most units out of any store i've contacted so far and have no line yet....)
outside of that though, i think it might be good for me to finish my paper before i go get my wii