so after some advice from my friend
furrytoe on perhaps structuring what i've been saying for the last few posts in a more constructive, positive, informative way, I have decided to just compile some stuff here.
If you're sick of the vegan stuff skip the entry. but if you dont mind thinking about things a little more critically and actually doing somethign besides veg out (pun intended) on a saturday give it a quick read.
My goal is to end inhumane and needless suffering. That is all I can say. I'm not trying to keep every living thing in this universe alive forever...that is pointless. I am trying to keep the quality of life for every conscious being cruelty free. [Let me point out the fact that plants do not have a central nervous system and therefor are not able to think, are not able to emote, and are not able to even understand that they are living].
So moving forward here are some simple and striking facts that not only support a plant based diet (vegan/veggie) but also support switching to an organic meat/dairy/egg diet if those are your dietery needs/desires.
1. it is a simple fact that grains are wasted on livestock
A full 80 percent of U.S. agricultural land is used to raise chickens, pigs, and other farmed animals; 70 percent of grains produced are used to feed them. If the massive quantities of grain, soy, and corn now fed to factory-farmed animals were freed up, there would be plenty of food for the world’s starving people.
Now I realize that food can not just be given away for the sake of economy [which is a poor excuse but a valid one none the less]. I also realize that there are concerns in the transportation of said items [yet another poor excuse]. But the numbers speak an astonishing tale on their own.
2. it is a simple fact that water is wasted on livestock
A totally vegetarian (thats vegetarian not vegan) diet requires 300 gallons of water per day, while a meat-eating diet requires more than 4,000 gallons of water per day. Time magazine reports, “Around the world, as more water is diverted to raising [cattle], pigs, and chickens, instead of producing crops for direct consumption, millions of wells are going dry.”
This needs no futher explanation.
3. it is a simple fact that the ingestion of meat/egg/diary prevents the body from being able to digest AND absorbe calcium.
Did you know that osteoperosis is in fact prominent in the areas that get the most cow milk protein ? The way our bodies breakdown meat/dairy foods and amino acids actually prevents in the abilty to ABSORB calcium into our bodies.
Now for those meat eaters out there who may feel like I am degrading them. Here is some information that might help you make better decision about the meat you buy.
4. choosing to eat meat from organic farms also makes a PROFOUND impact in the quality of life that those animals live.
Choosing to drink organic cow milk (all be it somewhat strange to me that someone would want to drink the milk of another species but to each their own) makes a profound impact on the lives of dairy cows. In the meat farming industy (IE NON-ORGANIC FARMS) young are rippd from their mothers immediately so that they do not consume too much milk and that it can go to the american consumer. This is painful bond that is destroyed just as it would be from a human mother and child. Let me note that mothers who give their babies up at adoption often have severe separation anxiety even though the baby was not wanted. The cows commonly are distressed for days after this happens. The females babies grow up to be diary cattle and the males are often times sold to butchers to become veal after spending their short life in cramped cages. That means for all the non-organic milk that we drink we are supporting the veal industry (killing of babies!)
Also another byproduct of non-organic meat/dairy farms is the use of BGH (bovine growth hormone). Something that is outlawed in canada and europe, but not the USA [afterall we need to drive a profit, not live happy lives]. This furthers a condition that is called mastitis [painful swelling of the utters]. Human women often confuse this with breast cancer and it is described as a painful condition. can you imagine what its like for a cow to get this constantly? OUCH! These utters become so swollen they often drag on the ground through their own feces and generate milk that is saturated with pus and other infectious bacteria.
Spending a little extra money on organic meats and especially organic dairy products saves the quality of a cows life, saves the lives of their young, and goes an extra mile for your saftey. Who wants to drink feces and pus? EWWWW
So i have to thank ryan for inspiring me to do this and i have to thank those that are reading it and taking the information to heart instead of disputing it.
I'm a vegan for a lot of reasons...these are just a few of the prominent ones.
eating meat causes impotence!!!!!! OUCH!!!!!