(no subject)

Jun 13, 2007 18:11

Last full day of high-school ever.

I guess it hasn't occurred to me.  I was standing with Jasmine and she said, "You know, this is gonna be the last time we mingle here."  And we both were getting a little sentimental (haha) and it was like wow, I spent the last four years of my life here.

When I got to Beamer, I was a wee one of 14.  Isn't that weird?  To be 14?  Agh, you could go back in time on this Xanga and see all the posts from when I was 14.  It's so weird.  I made so many friends, wow, I've never had anything mean so much to me before in my life.  Here's my ode to all you kids.  I love you all.

Chris-I know that we've had our ups and downs, but if there's anyone I could depend on, it would be you.  You get me, you know?  I just love you to death.  Thanks for always being there.

Olivera-Holy crap, yo.  You're amazing.  You always listen to me, hug me, make me smile, and you ALWAYS can make me feel better.  I loved getting to know you this year.

Caitie-My true emo sister.  You mean the world to me, kid.  Make next year count, alright?  No more skipping with that greasy boy.  You got a lot going for yourself, don't forget it!  I'll be at your graduation next year in the front row.  I'll even bring some random emo people to serenade you as you walk in.  You're the best.

Nicole-The play was amazing.  I couldn't believe how laid back we both were.  I never thought I'd find a more 'chill' person than myself.  But you're awesome like that, and you listened to me rant and rant about everything.  Haha, Val.  Good times.  I'll see you this summer for sure.  I'll buy a car and pick you up.

Jasmine-I know you don't have a myspace or anything, but boy, you are amazing.  I don't think I've ever met someone so cool and funny as you.  I mean, remember our plans for the moving up assembly?  The orange spandex jumpsuits?  Haha, man good times.  And all that time where we took pictures of you everywhere.  Man Jasmine, I'm gonna miss you so effing much.

Tara-I know that I didn't get to know you that well until recently, but wow, you're so awesome!  All those shared looks where we totally knew what we were thinking, and laughing at Chris and random other stuff like Mr.A.  I hope we hang out this summer!

Alex-Stop looking.  Haha, you made me laugh so much this year!  I'm going to miss you so much!  Man.  It was so great hanging out in photography.  I'll come to your graduation, kid...in three years.  I'll make a sign or something.  Get off your butt, lets hang this summer.

Ryan Heath-Flying Fart!  Hahaha, man History was purely amazing.  It was just magical.  I loved that class.  I got my highest grade in that class like ever.  Yay!  So I hope we hang out this summer because you're hilarious, and I hope that cuckoo clock problem gets cleared up.  Haha.

Shelby-I'm a Lizard!  I love you so much Shelby, and I swear if I don't see you again, I'll die.  You were always there to listen to me.  I was so happy to have met you and you made me laugh every single day.  Working with you in the play was awesome.  I hope that you pursue your musical talent, because you sure do have a lot of it.  You and caitie both.  Go for the gold, kid.  Don't skip out on school.  I'll always be here for ya!

Josh-Okay, so I'm not sure why I'm writing about you Josh except for the fact that seeing your smiling face everyday has made me love life all the more.  I'm going to feel so much less happier not seeing your smile.  I don't know what it is, but I haven't seen anyone with more confidence and personality than you.  Your hugs are golden and I love you to death.  Don't forget about me!  I hope we hang out soon this summer!

Jordan-I love you.  Words can not describe how much I look forward to your hugs and your smiles and your friggen weirdness.  You're a dork, but I love it.  Haha, you and drums.  Angry face!  Haha, I'll miss you, kiddo.  We're def gonna hang this summer, you know it.

Mike-Prom was awesome.  Talking to you all the time was purely amazing.  I mean even if it was about how Todd plays BF2142 too much.  I'll miss that, you know.  Yo dude I wanna taco todd.  Yeah.  COLD STONE!

To those not directly involved with me at school:

Kyle-(Kyle Edwards!)?  (You have made me so much happier this year!)?  (I don't know what it is, but meeting you was awesome!)?  (We have so many random inside jokes and wow you're just astounding.)?  (Ozzfest this summer is going to rock!)?  (I really hope that we hang out a lot more, because you really seem to get me, and you're always there for me!)?  (Thank you for that.)?  (It really means a lot to me.)?  (We better not go through one of those long not talking spells again, alright?)?  (Cauuse if we do, I'll probably be really sad.)?  (So today I saw a dead PPOSSUM on the road...=P)?  (THE LITTLE POODLE FREAKS OUT WHEN I PUT TRU HXC IN)?  (IT THINKS SOMEONES YELLING AT HIM)?  (ZOMG POOR POODLE)?  (ITS ENTERTAINMENT)?

Krysta-Holy moley girl, you looked so pretty in your prom pictures!  It's been SO long.  I mean, we've known each other FOREVER.  You're such a great friend, and you're always there for me!  I can't wait until mexico next week.  It's going to be great, I really really can't wait to get closer to you and to grow with God!  I'm going to miss you so much when you go to Arizona, but I'll try my best to come visit.  I hope everything works out for you, and I'm so glad we met all those years ago.

Katherine-WOW.  If there was anyone I thought I didn't know until now, it's you!  We have SO MUCH in common!  It's wonderful!  I'm so glad that we talked ALOT more this year because wow, you're such an amazing girl of God.  I really hope that one of these days we can hang out and talk about our crappy dramatic problems.  It's almost like we're the same person sometimes...you know me so well!  And I can't wait until the time when I can finally see you!  I love you so much!

Danielle-I had a really screwy time there for a while, but wow you really really helped me think things through.  You've always been there for me, and I thank you so much for that.  You really mean the world to me, dear.  Mexico is going to be great this year.

Kristen-I still have yet to meet you in person, but you're so amazing.  Thank you for listening to me when I was sad, and thanks for being there.  If you ever need anything, I'm here for you okay?  You're such a truly awesome person, and I hope all of your dreams come true!

Kate-Darling wow, you were there for me a lot.  I mean we just randomly started talking and randomly went to the peachcake show.  BEST DECISION OF OUR LIVES.  Yeah, really honest.  Haha, man.  Good effin times, that show was.  Good times.

Scott-You're weird.  You're really really weird.  I mean I can't believe you came up with that story all on your own.  I mean Danielle and her pink bra?  What were you thinking?  LOL.  Ahh good times in Mexico.  You stole my nice cot.  Mine broke, which was yours.  I had to sleep on a cinder block.  You suck.  As weird as you are though, it's always fun having you around.  I hope that happens in Mexico again.  You're so weird. Haha.

To those I lost touch with along the way:

Ashley Marie-You and I better start hanging out again, we had so much fun together!  Tenth grade was the best.  Choir, and everything.  I look back and just smile because it was so perfect (although very dramatic haha).  I love you like a sister.

Britney-Hun, you and I have gone through so much!  You are a wonderful girl of God, and although moving made us drift apart, you still have a spot in my heart.  I'm here for ya, kid.  Anytime.

Jon-We don't talk anymore, but that's alright.  We've both changed a lot, but hey.  It was great.  Tenth grade was the magic year.  All those movies and random SIMS games...we had a lot of fun.  I wish we could be better friends again, but things happen, right?  Either way, you know I'm always here for you whether we're talking or not.  Thanks for the memories :]

To my best friend:

Michelle Jasper-I love you so much.  I can't even explain it.  Whenever we get together, everything seems so fun!  I mean even talking about stupid crappy stuff and life and (cough) 17 year old boys, it's always okay.  We are so alike it's crazy.  Mexico is going to be amazing.  And if we don't see each other after that, I'm going to die.  You're just that awesome.  Go Signs!  The giraffe!  I'm thinking of a person...man woman?  Man, it's just endless.  We have had such great times together.  Even though we hardly see each other, you're still the best, and you are just awesome...even if you don't think so.  So yeah.  See you in mexico heh heh ;]

To my love:

Todd: You mean the world to me.  You took my heart and made it whole.  What else can I say?  I'd do anything for you, love.  And I love you with everything I have.

Thank you.  All of you mean so much to me.  Thanks for making the past 4 years of my life bearable.  I'll never forget high-school, and I'll never forget you guys.  You guys have made me the happiest person ever.  I love you all with all my heart.

:] <3
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