Testing 1.2.3......
Will I like livejournal? Will I really post on here? Should I put all of my past monthly updates on here? Or should I just crop all of my darn personal photos. Like were is April, May, June, August and September! Hey I did do JULY - but of course I have NOT sent it out or type up what happened.... Where is the old picture queen named Autumn? i need help? and or free time? Maybe I should just stop sleeping? or stop my time consuming wonderful and fun Cure site?
I guess no time better to start then today. so here we go...
Went to the San Diego Zoo today. We got there at 9:30am and was shocked to find the parking lot packed! Why I wondered it is a Monday? It was FREE to everyone on the first Monday of the month! I did not know that!! It was so packed! I was not a happy girl!!!! The bus line was so long. So I walked all day. My feet hurt.. Needless to say we did not see everything and little one was not tooooo happy. I had to leave. I could not stand the crowds...Maybe I need to check out my Zoo News a bit more carefully... We went down to SD for the weekend.
Some guy on another Cure forum told me about a photo of Robert at Off the Record with the guy from Judas Priest. Well I had to go look for it and well it was NOT there! :( . Ian and I went to lunch. He used Chopsticks for the first time.Then we went to the 99cent store and I spent $43. About $35+ was on Halloween decorations alone!!! :) Then we had a baked potato for dinner and my son ate his dinner with Chopsticks!!! Needless to say my floor is a mess.
I got home and the gardener guy planted a small ugly brown tree in the MIDDLE of my front lawn! My husband is going to freak out!! O my.... But the rest of my garden is sure starting to look wonderful....... What kind of tree goes with a English Cottage Garden? - So I am not the happiest girl today... Off to sleep...
Picture time -
My son (3 1/2) is going to be a Pirate for Halloween. He looks so darn cute in his little costume. Here is a photo....
My little pirate