Tick tick goes the deadline

Oct 20, 2007 14:57

It's Saturday the 20th, which means stories are due in two days.

Yes, that means all you people who've just remembered you signed up have the weekend to get your story done. Which is quite doable. I've done it before. So have no shame if you did leave it to the last minute. We all do it at times.

I also know there are stories finished, and stories nearly finished by wonderful writers. So I'm really looking forward to sharing those with you.

If people could send me their stories, formatted to be LJ posted, I'll post them here at the comm all in one go on Tuesday. Once I've done that, feel free to post anywhere you wish. They're your stories after all. Just please, post with a link to the comm so people know where to look for the other stories.

Any questions, ask away.


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