Jul 31, 2010 20:44
I bought myself some (sub-par) sushi for lunch today and as i was wolfing down my 6 infinitesimally small pieces of California Roll that cost me $5 i thought about the ingredients contained therein (rice, seaweed, avocado, cucumber, imitation crab) and came to the conclusion that cost of goods on my lunch was probably $1.50. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that it's far more cost effective to make your own sushi than to pay out the nose for it. Like, duh.
So tomorrow i plan on making myself a shit-ton of sushi and then eating it. All. Because God knows that stuff doesn't keep well so there's nothing to do but sit down and shovel in my mouth whilst watching Dr. Who. Though considering the fare maybe i should be watching Shogun. No no, too depressing. Dr. Who will have to suffice. I'll just call him "Who-san".