Imma tell you bout Glee!

Apr 16, 2010 20:23

There's this show....  No, i'm not going to do that to you.  Unless you've been living under a rock for the past year you, at the very least, know about Glee.  The high school, the singing, the awesomeness.  I won't bore you with telling you that you should, should, SHOULD be watching this show or that the people in it are fabulous in just about every way possible.  Rather i'm going to tell all ya'll how this show makes me feel.


Absolute, pure, radiant, joy.

It's as if someone took my dream of high school (and i had a GREAT time in high school, loved it in fact), put it through a rainbow machine, gave it a killer soundtrack and then choreographed it.  It's a technicolor fantasy of high school that nearly puts me in a diabetic coma every time i watch it.  And i can't get enough.  I spend at least 10-15 minutes every episode with a dopey, grin on my face, eyes wide and occasionally uttering an "Oh, Wow" as i am alternately blown away by a fantastic musical number, the villany of Sue Sylvester, or the heartbreak of Will Schuester.

Is it hokey?  Shit yes it's hokey!  That's what makes it so great!  It's unapologetically over the top.  In true technicolor (and high school!) fashion the sads are the saddest you've seen and the happys are so happy that a choreographed dance number spontaneously bursts out.  I mean, how freaking WONDERFUL is that?!?!  I know, it's too much for some people, but clearly they don't have the awesome running through their veins like i do.  So sad for them.  I'll just keep all the Glee for myself. 


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