Left 4 Dead

Apr 10, 2010 20:37

 Lest you all think that i do nothing but complain about my body let me tell you about my experience with Left 4 Dead.

Silas hands me the controller to the Xbox and says, "Here, you should play the first level."  So i take the controller and he loads up the game.  As the introductory movie plays the look on my face gets sourer and sourer.  Already i dislike first-person shooters, they're just too stressful.  But i figured that zombies at least are slow and will give me plenty of opportunity to blow them up.  But, as evidenced by the introduction, the zombies in Left 4 Dead are anything but slow.  In fact, not only are they blazingly fast, they're also pretty smart.  As the video ends i hand the controller back to Silas.

"I don't want to play this game.  I like my zombies slow and dumb, not fast and smart.  Forget it."

Someone just stick me in front of SimCity or Caesar 4 for a while and I'll be happy as a clam.  All this shooting and healing and running away is too much for me.  Better yet, get me out into the real-live mountains and make me hike up and down the craggy bits.  THAT i can handle.


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