Year of Lent, Month 12 (!!!!!)

Mar 05, 2010 21:28

The Month of No Swearing went well.  Moderately so, at least.  I find that now i'm far less likely to bust out a "sh*t" for the small stuff and keep it contained to a much more managable "balls" or even the down-right saintly "darn".  Hooray, mission accomplished.

This month i have deemed the Month of No Snacking.  Why, you ask?  Well, the other day as i was giving Semra some graham crackers i was confronted with the image you see to the left (though this image was cribbed from someone else's webpage hence the Triscuits rather than Graham Crackers).  And i thought to myself "because you don't need to snack."  And, voila, the Month of No Snacks.  Furthermore, "Snackrifice"?  Really?  Someone gets PAID to come up with these things!  Gah!

Putting a moratorium on the non-meal food that goes into my mouth has really made me aware of the vast amount of random eating that i do.  It's not like i'm shoving my face full of chips and bean dip and candybars at all hours of the day and night but clearly there is some food shoving going on because i MISS not grabbing a handful of M&Ms or taking a bite of left-over chicken or dashing over to the Honeybear Bakery for a biscotti.  Waiting for meals, well that's just difficult.  Boy howdy if ever there were a first world problem this is it.  Ugh, i'm so annoying.

So anyway.  There it is.  I'm going to consider "snacking" any food consumption outside of a designated meal.  That said i'm going to write in an exemption for pre-planned mini-meals.  Take today for example: I ate breakfast (if you can consider leftover fried chicken, leftover kal-bi ribs, kimchee, scrambled eggs, and yogurt to be "breakfast", i ate lunch, and I'm going to have slow cooker beef stew when i get home from work.  But that leaves the entire period from about 1 pm till 10:45 pm without food of any kind.  That, quite simply, wasn't going to work so i decided that i'd get a bowl of brown rice and some gyoza at the Asian place and call it a meal.  Do you think that's okay?  Is it cheating and am i just justifying?

I'm hoping that this month will continue to make me aware of the role that food plays in my life.  As it is i feel like i tend to eat when i'm bored and i definitely snack when i'm around other people, especially if they're snacking as well.  I'd love to come out of this month with an immunity to Doritos and cookies.  Heh, we shall see.

year of lent

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