Things i would change about myself.

Sep 30, 2009 10:16

1. Be a better housekeeper.  
- I'm not a filthy person.  I don't hoard and i don't live in squalor but i am, by nature, somewhat untidy.  I love a clean house, i just rarely feel the impetus to actually do it.  I manage to stay on top of laundry (mostly) and dishes (again, mostly) and do a decent job of picking up the toys and books but everything else, meh.

2. Get haircuts on a regular basis.
- My poor hair.  It gets neglected because a) i'm lazy and b) i'm poor.  The poor problem really should be solved by TenPachi's amazing $20 haircuts but then the lazy gets in the way because i have to make an appointment 2 weeks out and i have NO IDEA what my day is going to look like two weeks from now.  So i just let it go and i complain bitterly that it looks like crap.

3. Hate M&Ms and Ruffles Potato Chips
- I wish to God i hated M&Ms and Potato Chips.  As it is i love them.  I want to have their babies.  If i am in the same room with either of them i have no self-control and i will eat them.  All of them.  Until i am sick.

4. Be More Creative.
- I'm talking in general.  Kitchen, bedroom, decorating, writing, outdoor activities.  The creative part of my brain feels like it just doesn't function sometimes and i wish i could do something to kick-start it.  I'm sure i could pay like $5,000 and go to some woowoo right brain get-in-touch-with-your-feelings-through-body-painting-hosted-by-sark/wayne dyer/byron katie/dalai lama conference but, yeah, no.  You know what would probably work?  A week, by myself, in a cabin on the coast with nothing but a box of coloured pencils, some drawing paper, a journal, and the wide expanse of roiling sea and wind-bent pines.  And possibly a few classical music CDs.  Oh my God that sounds amazing.  *sigh*

There's more, there's always more but i need to do some tidying.  And avoid the bag of M&Ms calling my name from behind the pantry door.  And try to do something with my hair.

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