The Sabath Day

Dec 13, 2009 17:56

So today is Sunday... a day to rest from our labors and remember Christ. Today while I was in Relief Society I started to think about my testimony of the gospel. Back in August (3) 2004, the day of my baptism I did not have a testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints let alone Joseph Smith or The Book of Mormon. I did and still do have a testimony that there is a God who is our loving Heavenly Father. He is perfect and all knowing. Because he loves us so much, he sent his son (our brother) Jesus Christ to take upon himself all of our sins... everyone who has, does, and will ever live upon this Earth.

I have a testimony that God answered my prayer when I asked what his will was for me concerning being baptized into the LDS Church. Knowing that God's will for me was to be a member of the LDS Church I felt there was no need for me to ask was Joesph Smith a prophet,or is The Book Of Mormon true because I know that if The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints wasn't the true and living Church of Christ then God would not have brought me into that family.

But now six years later, after reading The Book Of Mormon a few times, after serving a full time mission and attending all my meetings along with paying tithing I have gained a testimony of The Book Of Mormon and Joesph Smith. With confidence I can now say that I know Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ visited Joseph Smith in the sacred grove in answer to his prayer. I know Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet to open this last dispensation. I know that through the power of the Holy Ghost, Joseph Smith translated the gold plated into The Book Of Mormon. I know President Thomas S. Monson is our living prophet today called by God.

Even though life can be very difficult it is so worth it to endure to the end, and as we continue to help and strengthen each other as he wills, we will all be back in the presence of our Heavenly Father and savior Jesus Christ.
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