Last night, I finally found the time to give TFP a proper watch. From the fragments I saw when it originally aired, it made me angry over what this once great program had devolved into, but I think, having genuinely given it a chance, can say it was not half as torturous as was TST, and I am not angry with it anymore. Just sad. Grieving, really.
Unreasonably long and swooning maiden levels of drama ahoy... )
I don't feel as betrayed as you because Sherlock Holmes hasn't been such an important character for my childhood. I mean, I liked Basil Rathbone's movies for some reason when I was a really small kid and I utterly, utterly loved Miyazaki's cartoons. Miyazaki is the best portraying villains as endearing human beings, by the way, even if it clashes with Sir ACD's canon and, well, they were actually dogs. But I tried reading A Study in Scarlet and the Hound of the Baskervilles when I was a teenager and I didn't really like them. So the canon is not as important to me as it is to you.
But I still feel cheated by this whole season, it goes against everything they had built in the first two seasons and it's immensely cheap in my eyes, full of dramatic twists whose whole point is being dramatic twists. If a dramatic twist is not part of the story but an empty resource to touch my emotions, it won't work on me.
The introduction of Eurus was rushed, she was given unlimited mindfuckery powers and then got turned into a little girl who just wanted some love. No. Just no. Also, I'm not against the whole new take on Moriarty, but you can't make the next villain exactly as histrionic and overdone because, seriously, what are the odds? And even if it were possible, story-telling doesn't work like that. I can't keep on buying the same bullshit when it's so out the norm.
So, so far, I'm just ignoring this season total, complete, absolutely, because it just doesn't compute. I'm not sure if I'll be able to watch this season again (maybe I will, to see if I can find a redeeming point somewhere), but I can assure you that it won't become part of my headcanon because, to be honest, I don't like any of the characters anymore and I don't buy any of their relationships, they don't fit together anymore.
(Also, ohmygod, what they did to Mycroft... he's like the biggest idiot ever in this episode, being played for a fool every five minutes whenever he's not pissing his pants. No, just no.)
So, I don't even want to go near fix-it fics because there's no fix for this. I'm just going to keep on reading well written, well thought-out, well built fics that either have been written before this mess, or they ignore it just as completely as I do, and maybe I'll choose my favorite to turn it into my particular Sherlock BBC canon and that is that.
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