The Lying Detective

Jan 08, 2017 23:55

Well. That was... a bit trippy, strange and not quite shaped back into form. But. What a decided relief from last week's spectacular fiasco.

Thar be SPOILERY ramblings ahoy... )

reviews, bbc sherlock

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adena_kaiba January 9 2017, 19:05:43 UTC
I've only watched it now. As usual with Sherlock, I'm too speechless for a coherent review or even commentary. Thank goodness there's a GIF which sums up my reaction to it - especially the end:

Dear me. From the psychopathic third Holmes's brother/sister Sir Arthur never wanted - for fudge's sake, to Irene Adler's text coming just in time to annihilate the emotional scene... and to remind the fangirls: NO HOMO. Just. What. The F.
I'm immensely glad I didn't stay up late to watch that live.
Canon, poor Canon, what are those monsters doing to you...


autumnatmidnite January 9 2017, 22:03:17 UTC
Oh, that ending *sobs*

It went such a long way in spoiling the little this episode did to erase the nightmare of TST. I went from walking out on it at the beginning, to eventually warming up because of Mrs Hudson's badassery and some fairly decent deductions, to feeling that spark of chemistry between Sherlock & John at the end.

Then they dump that ludicrous Irene Adler claptrap over our heads, and I tell you, there was fist shaking and much cursing during that scene. It just came so far out of left field that it could be nothing but a.) fanservice b.) NO HOMO. Not that I expect them to go down the Johnlock route; personally, I think the portrayal of true friendship they gave us in S1 is worth all the proverbial wounds and makes perfectly serviceable slash fic fodder, but this constant flipping of the queerbaiting/no homo coin has GOT TO STOP.

In perfect honesty, I thought the case was good enough to prove the series might still be salvageable - so far as second chances go, I've been extremely benevolent with Sherlock. But after TLD, I am certain that where I draw the line is going to be their treatment of Sherlock & John's relationship, platonic or otherwise.


methylviolet10b January 10 2017, 04:37:56 UTC
Perhaps it's just my brain, or the fact that I don't trust the show writers farther than I can throw them and so I don't believe anything that I see at face value, but I actually didn't believe that the text came from Adler. Sure, it was her text-noise, but I automatically assumed that Sherlock set it off himself. It was too conveniently timed. Not to mention that it once again gave John the opportunity to 'save' Sherlock and come to his 'romantic/emotional' rescue about his relationships or lack thereof (and not so coincidentally say some things he desperately needed to say). But with this show, who knows?

As for the rest of the episode, I loved Mrs Hudson, but everything about the case (well, and even a lot of Mrs Hudson) was so over the top, so unbelievable, that...yeah. Ooof. Belief suspenders are NOT strong enough for this stuff they keep hurling at us. I did very much appreciate the scene between John and Sherlock at the end. I appreciated a lot of the acting work. As for the cliffhanger, and the missing Holmes sibling...well, I'd like to be excited, but we've been burned so many times at this point, I'm more exhausted than anything else.

Well, here's hoping.


adena_kaiba January 10 2017, 17:58:07 UTC
Well you managed to point out all the "best" scenes, and I find it both worrying and sad that it's possible to list them in a single comment. O_O

Speaking of ludicrous claptrap and queerbaiting/no homo: what about Mycroft's out-of-nowhere relationship with Smallwood????
What on Earth is wrong with these writers: why every single relationship mentioned in this show has to be unhealthy as all get out!? Case in point: S4 suggests Mycroft has been working with Smallwood for years. But it's only after Mycroft accuses Smallwood of High Treason (thereby almost condemns her to a certain death) that she somehow... suddenly starts fancying him?
So basically all the couples in the show has/had one of the participants endangering the other? Whaaaaaaaat?


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