Lammas Fest

Aug 07, 2005 16:25

I just got back from the weekend celebration of Lammas at Our Haven, and I am very happy to be home again. I've had a bad feeling about this festival for the past few weeks, but since I'd made a commitment to be there and assist with the event, I over-ruled my intuition and went anyway. Now I know what my intuition was warning me about.

First there was the heat- in the 90's with high humidity that pushed the heat index well over 100. Except for a few wee hours of the night when it actually cooled down to a comfortable temperature, I was entirely miserable. I was literally dripping with sweat, and at some points pouring sweat, most of the day and well into the night. And I do NOT like heat. I react to it rather badly, possibly because I almost died from heatstroke as a small child. Anyway, let's just say that the weather alone made it a weekend in hell.

Then there was the fact that not very many people showed up. There was our group, some friends that came with our group, and a handfull of people down on the field. I'm not sure what the official numbers were, but I'd guess there were less than two dozen people in Our Haven altogether, including our group and the land people.

There was only a couple vendors, and they were hardly worth mentioning, so there was not even any Crafty shopping to do.

Then there was the fact that last weekend there was a large private festival and the porta-potties Our Haven uses [rant on this topic withheld] had not been emptied in the intervening week. This means that they were over-full and incredibly, nauseatingly, entirely unacceptably disgusting. NOT a good experience.

And just to add some psychological spice to the weekend there was the fact that it was at this festival last year that pandara and I shared our first kiss, which brought up a lot of reflecting on everything that has occurred in my life since then.

This was also the first time in several weeks that faeryshaman and I have gone a day without communicating by net or phone, and I really missed having that contact with her.

So, to summarize, I spent the weekend being hot, miserable, depressed, irritable, and at times even rather pissed off by the whole thing. I am so very glad to be home this evening, soaking in the air conditioning, reveling in clean bathrooms, listening to some new music, and getting ready to have a nice quiet dinner. Tis good to be home....

festival, weekend, kel, our-haven, pandara

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