The tail end of winter has blown in on a strong wind from the north, bringing flesh-piercing chill and icy fingers. Through the window the world looks fresh and spring-like, but stepping outside brings instant memories of frosty days and snowbanks. Just a couple days ago it was feeling like summer but today was apparently stolen from December and saved like a snowball in the freezer for an unexpected assault amid the heat.
Today was also
pandara's portfolia review where she had to present a compendium of her work to a panel of three professional judges in the field. Last night after work we went out together to get her pieces matted and buy some professional-looking attire. We also grabbed some Thai for dinner as a sort of presumptive victory-meal. She stayed up all night polishing her website designs, and then went to the presentation. She managed to look both beautiful and professional at once, and her artworks looked very impressive. For all the agonizing anxiety, it went very smoothly and successfully. I'm very proud of her, especially since she pulled a lot of it together on a very shortened timeframe. It was also good to see other people, even professional artists, recognizing and commenting on her creative brilliance...
This week at work has been very slow but I've gotten almost completely caught up on paperwork that's been piling up for weeks. This makes me feel much more relaxed at the office, but makes me a bit concerned about my productivity numbers (but not too much, since I'm ahead anyway).
It's now less than one week until the Beltaine festival, and the excitement is eating away at me. Every time I start thinking about it, I get this bouncy feeling- a physiological restless excitement. One week from today I'll be in the nurturing woods, sleeping under the uncountable stars, playing in the pebbley stream, attending inspiring workshops, trancing to echoing drums, dancing around a huge bonfire... Wahooooo! Woot! Woot! Woot!