Feb 17, 2006 02:07
this sxsw thing is getting a little overwhelming. i have already made tentative schedules (can't help it - compulsive need to plan ahead). PROBLEM: chris was chosen to be an extra for a tv show & will be spending the majority of next week filming from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. & working at either of his other two jobs during the day ... if the rumors are true & wristbands go on sale on the 23rd or 24th, we are kind of screwed. i don't know what else to do other than hope this works out. (any advice, jen? ...& i swear i'll write you back or call tomorrow.) regardless of what happens, i'll be there with him & that is enough for me. (...but i really would like to see reigning sound, destroyer, six parts seven, bosque brown, & band of horses, please. oh, & if you could throw in jose gonzalez, black heart procession, & low skies, that'd be swell.)
honestly though, more than sxsw & tapes 'n tapes in dallas ... i just want to go to his house, curl up in his bed & sleep in the way that i only can sleep with him - curled up together in an uninterrupted, deep sleep. 3 weeks on the dot.