US government health care

Aug 12, 2009 18:38

I've been hearing a lot on the news in the last couple of days about the health care reform in the US, and how a lot of people don't want it and are protesting it. I really don't understand why. Government health care means that everybody has insurance that you can't be dropped from if you get sick. It means that when you have to go to the hospital, you don't have to sit there stressing about how you're going to pay your bill, because you won't have to pay it - the government will. It means that if you don't have health insurance and you think there's something seriously wrong with you, you don't have to avoid going to the hospital and sit there slowly dying because you can't afford the bill and don't have health insurance.
Apparently there are rumors going around that with government health care, doctors would be able to decide with older people, who lives and who dies. They also think that if you get cancer, the doctors will pressure you to end your life sooner. I can't believe people believe this crap. Do they think that's how it is here in Canada? Those people are seriously brainwashed.

Here in Ontario, having government health care means that I can go to the doctor whenever I feel that I need to, and I don't have to worry about how I'm going to pay the bill, or avoid going to the doctor altogether because I don't have health insurance and don't have the extra money to pay the bill if I needed to. I automatically have health insurance just by being a resident of Ontario. I don't pay any premiums. I don't have to pay any medical bills. If I need blood tests, the government pays for it. If I need an x-ray, the government pays for it. If I need a CAT scan or MRI, the government pays for it. When I go to the doctor every year for a physical, the government pays for it. If I have an accident and have to go the emergency room, the government pays for it. If I have to have emergency surgery, the government pays for it. They even pay for every resident of Ontario to get a flu shot every year.
Government health care means that I will never have to go $30,000 into debt if I get sick.

A few years ago, my mother had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance for heart problems. Her medical bill was a total of $45 and that was for the ambulance. The government paid for everything else.

Having government health care means that when someone in your family ends up in the hospital, instead of worrying about how you're going to pay the bill, you can worry about what really matters - the health of your family member.
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