Also, I'm not going to be leaving LJ over "strikethrough07".
They've at least acknowledged that they made a mistake, but if they think that makes everything all better, they can think again. This was a major violation of users' trust. They suspended a whole bunch of journals for no good reason, (because Warriors for Innocence threatened their advertising sponsors when they found journals supposedly promoting pedophilia) then said "oops, sorry". "Sorry" isn't going to cut it. They need to tell us exactly what it is that they will and won't allow on their site anymore. They made numerous references to "what community we want to build and what we think is appropriate within that community". They have yet to tell us exactly what that means. Until then, and maybe even after then, I don't/won't trust them. Does that mean that
answers_on_sex is inappropriate and will be next on the chopping block? What about
womenhealth, since "breasts" and "vagina" are words that are used there? What about
vaginapagina? [sarcasm]"Vagina" is a dirty word, afterall.[/sarcasm] Does that mean that all journals having anything to do with homosexuality, women's sexuality, sexuality in general, or BDSM are now not "appropriate for the community"? Will only communities talking about puppies and disney movies be deemed "appropriate for the community"? What? Tell us.
Livejournal has been slowly but steadily going downhill since Sixapart bought it. I'm sure we can expect more of the same from them in the future.
Not to mention the fact that the issue at the base of all of this is poor parenting. Once again, people are outraged that the internet isn't parenting their children for them. They don't want their children to see things like this on the internet, yet they're not willing to sit with their children and monitor their internet usage like a good parent would.