Apr 19, 2007 19:25
So, I went to the shrink. Got R to come with me, thank G*d, was dry retching and had a seriously iffy gut before I went in.
So what did she say? (In bullet points 'cause I'm lazy)
* I have Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (confirmed)
* She wants me to do psychotherapy
* She's going to give me tips on anxiety management
* She is anti-medication! She thinks that although it can help with the disorder it only dulls the disorder and that's not helpful. So I'm not on any medication AT ALL. She says the only medication that she would use in EUPD is anti-d's, if she has to. But she won't with me because we've established over the time I've been with CMHT that they don't help me.
* That everything I feel is normal and if I feel REaLLY bad all I have to do is ring and move my next app. forward or ask to speak to the duty.
In other words she's the first EVER shrink that's told me what they thinks going on with me,how it's normally treated and all that jazz. She's nice. And helpful. :-D