Jan 29, 2005 08:22
This past week had to have been possibly the worse week of my entire life, just about every teenage flaw happened.. it was horrible, needless to say, last night totally made up for it. I called Kate when I got home, was being emo and decided to come over before we went to the play. We had a mini-Kate/Erica<3 time. It was, well, motherfucking gLLLLLLLoriussss. We ate frosted mini-wheats and then I played some acoustic guitar and was being emo. And omg, I think I want to be a playwrite and on the side, make songs up that are coming out of my ass. That song had to have been the best song I have ever made up and pulled out of my ass.
"I called him up the other day
And asked if he liked her
He said yes
I'm titling this song, "I said hey, hey (whatta ya' say?)"
mm, moving on. Pops picked us up, went on a BK run then went to the school. Hung out with badasses at the cafeteria, was emo a bit and really wasn't up for anything. I just felt like I wanted to go home.. but I'm glad I didn't. The play was alright. I just watched Babes In Gangland and This Is A Test The faculty/staff was in This Is A Test and oh my god, I've never seen Foyle wear so much make up, if any, in my entire life. She was really cute. :D We went back to Nina's and so the party commenced. Sam Beard and his gang came by and partied with us, Amanda and Brad left and so did everyone else soon after. Besides me and Kate and well, Nina lives here. I watched porn for the first time in my entire life. It was... cool. And well, since I had a hard week, we decided to party. As in, me and Nina. And we took pictures and we, consumed alcoholic beverages and danced. It was nice. :] I think I may stay another night, I might as well, just in case my parents find my report card. And well, this concludes my entry. I'm going to jump on Kate, tell her it's the Holocaust and duck because she'll hit me. Then, I'm going to eat. RIVERDOTCHY.