So..I'm invited to Keans Sunday to watch Road Fools 12.
Its weird that he's invited me..because, I don't know. Just is.
Its weird how he asked too.
He said that I'm the only one he can think of that would be interested in watching it. Which is such a crock of bull because Eli lives across the road & he's mad into bikes...& CJ and Jessica have watched COUNTLESS bike videos with him. I dunno..I found that weird. SOOOO..the question isss..Should I go?????? Even though it'd be so uncomfortable because of whats happened the past week-ish. Please give me your opinion. Yeah...moving on.
Saturday I work 8-2...& then I'm going to Sydney with Jessica, CJ, Jade, Chelsey & Myself. I called Chelsey tonight but Kean was on the internet or something. It would have been so awkward if he had answered the phone. He'd probably think I'd be calling for him...BUT NOOOOOO..Chelsey because we're tight. Holler. Anyway..We're going to see a movie. The Grudge I think.
I don't really want to see it because it looks like its packed full of gayness. But, whatever...& We're going shopping too.
I probably won't spend much money because I still have to save for Metro Jam.
Yeah, thats right. I'm still going. I don't have school friday because there's some sort of teachers conference.
WHOS SLEEPING IN FRIDAY!? ....Not me because I have a hair appointment...but if I didn't have one I'd be sleeping in for fucking sure. Yeeee.
Oh, Brooke. Post pictures of your hot hair cut. Promptly, bitch.
Canadian history class today, I got my mark back from my last test. 60.
I was happy since I thought I totally bombed it.
Then Geneva & I discussed the huge amount of awkward-ness that would most likely come about if you were on the phone with someone you didn't know that well & they started saying they're goodbyes & you cut them off by saying 'I love you' in a slight whisper & then hanging up directly after.
Was funny. HAAAAAA. Laugh.
Well..I'm going to beddies. x