Jun 06, 2005 15:44
01. Pierce your nose or tongue? Tongue, which I might be getting this summer...*SHH!*
02. Be serious or be funny? Funny
03. Lose weight or gain weight? Do you really need to ask me that? Lose, of course.
04. Whole or skim milk? Skim milk. Or no milk. I hate milk.
05. Single or Taken? Single. More fun.
06. Simple or complicated? Simple. When it's complicated, I think too much and assume things...
07. Law or anarchy? Law. Otherwise all the dumbasses would run amuk and I'd be forced to kill someone, and then I'd have to clean it up....too much trouble. And plus, what little justice we DO have is needed.
08. Flowers or angels? Well, angels. They're miracles! Who doesn't want to see a miracle!
09. Grey or gray? Grey. I've always spelt it that way. It seems to fit the color better than gray.
10. Read or write? Read
11. Color or black-and-white photos? Depends on the picture.
12. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise
13. M&M's or Skittles? Eh, niether.
14. Rap or rock? Rock, definately.
15. Stay up late or wake up late? Stay up late.
16. TV or Radio? Radio.
17. Is it POP or SODA? Pop
18. X or O in Tic-tac-toe? O
19. Blue or black? Blue
20. Apple or orange? Apple
21. What came first the chicken or the egg? The chicken.
22. Hot or Cold? Cold. I HATE heat.
23. Big towel or little towel? Big towel...a little one wouldn't wrap around my fat ass.
24. Glasses or no glasses? Emo glasses all the way, bitch!
25. Sun or moon? Moon.
26. Emerald or ruby? Emerald. *sigh*
27. Sex in the morning or night? Anytime, baby.
28. Left or right? Right.
29. Acquaintances or 1 best friend? Acquaintances. That way, when they backstab you, it won't hurt so much.
30. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? CHOOOOOOOOOOOCOLATE!
31. High or Drunk? High. Being drunk isn't too much fun.
32. Green beans or carrots? Carrots. Although they give me terrible stomach cramps, they taste awfully good.
33. Low fat or fat free? Fat free
34. Love or Lust? Lust. Hurts less.
35. Chewable or non chewable vitamins? Non chewable.
36. Kids or no kids? No kids.
37. Cat or dog? Cat
38. Half empty or half full? Half empty.
39. Mustard or ketchup? MUSTARD!!! I LOVE MUSTARD!!!
40. Hard cover books or paper back books? Hard cover
41. Newspaper or magazine? Don't care.
42. Sandals or sneakers? Sneakers, definately.
43. Wonder or amazement? Wonder. It lets you think more. When you're amazed, all you can say is "Woooooow..." When you're in wonderment, you think more.
44. Red car or white car? White, I suppose.
45. Happy and poor or sad and rich? Happy and poor.
46. Singing or dancing? BOTH!!! lol
47. Corduroy or plaid? Corduroy, I suppose.
48. Happy or sad? How about ecstatic?
49. Purple or green? Green, considering that's my favorite color.
50. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? Lifetime of friendship. You can have sex with anyone, but a friend who'll stay with you forever is really somethin'.