
Jul 03, 2006 18:55

Random Thought Provokers

Created by rebratka and taken 26935 times on Bzoink
What makes you laugh?Really, really random shit. Who is your hero?No one. I don't have a hero. But Conor Oberst = GOD.Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?Johnny DeppHow many pairs of shoes do you own?Erm...8? I'm guessing.Seriously... Where does the other sock end up?It's those damn house gnomes. They make them into little hats and shit. It's CRAZY.Who do you blame for your mood today?Myself.If the Internet were sex... I wouldbe a whore. Haha. I'm on it aaaall the time. I tap that dial-up like it's goin' out of STYLE! Have you ever seen a dead body?Nope.What is something scientists need to invent?Something that makes bug bites go away. *scratchscratch*What should we do with stupid people?Burn them.Have you ever broken a bone?Yup.Do you watch local news? Why?Of course; so I can know what's goin' on!What happens after you die?You become one with everything.How big is your bed? Big enough?Futon-sized. Meh..yeah.How long do you think you will live?38. I honestly don't think I'll live very long. Not sure why. I just don't see myself getting old.
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