
Aug 20, 2008 17:10

 hey!  so we are officially on flood watch and hurricane fay and tropical storm warning!
keegan got a call this morning telling him not to go into work today and go and buy supplies if we havent already. thankfully we already had a a lot of water b/c target was completely SOLD OUT and there was so many people there getting last minutes stuff. we bought a lot of food, battery powered radio, etc. i'm kinda freaked out but not at the same time. weather is so unpredictable so it's either going to be a bad storm or barely anything at all. then tomorro morning keegan has to call in for muster(which is like roll call kinda) and then they will tell him then if we have to evacuate or not...which i do NOT want to do! we would have to leave our kitties here :( no way! LOL. if we had to evacuate, i think we would drive all the way up to georgia and just stay in a hotel. i dont want to stay at a school with hundreds of other people on cots :( i dunno. i just hope that it doesnt end up turning into a big deal. 
i can handle lahars(sp?) in washington. hurricanes? not so much LOL.
it's been pouring on and off all day and its really cloudy out and getting windy.
tomorrow is when the hurricane is supposed to come through. yikes!
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