
Apr 05, 2006 21:20

The report was generated with the following birth data: female, born on 26 July 1989 at 12:00 noon in Denver, Colorado.

Your sun sign is Leo. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant, the rising sign, is in Libra, and your Moon is in Taurus.

Libra Rising

With this rising sign, you are likely to be attractive to others and probably popular. Instead of using force of character to persuade people to do something your way, you use charm.

You dislike unpleasantness in any form, so you do your best to keep everything peaceful.

In this same spirit, you like to dress elegantly, perhaps even flashily. You may develop an early taste for art, music and literature.

In your desire to be agreeable, you must be sure not to compromise something that is important to you. Sometimes it is necessary to fight, and you should learn when and how to do so.

Sun in Leo

You are spirited and strong willed and like to be the center of attention. Other people like you because you are basically warm and affectionate. You work very hard to get your way with others. You should be careful of carrying this trait too far, however, because it may turn away people who would otherwise be your friends. You are proud and consider yourself important. The positive side of this is that you are reluctant to compromise yourself.

When you are older, you will want to be a person of some importance and, if possible, a leader. Even while you are young you will play this role whenever possible, which should work out very well, because you also want to be worthy of being a leader.

Sun in the Tenth House

You are a person who wants to make great achievements in the world and to be in control of your own destiny. You find it difficult to follow someone else's orders unless you really respect that person. If you apply yourself to your work, you will accomplish a great deal.

However, while you are young, these traits will make it difficult for you to accept other people's authority.

Your relationship with your father is very important. You will be greatly influenced by his ways, although you will occasionally disagree with him and try to rebel.

You want to know what the world is about, what is important in the public eye and what is generally considered significant. Among people of your own age, you will try to be a leader, and your peers will look up to you.

Moon in Taurus

You like warmth, comfort and the security of familiar surroundings. A very loving and affectionate person, you also need love and affection from the people around you.

You are very patient and do not get upset easily. You are supportive and helpful to those who need it.

Sometimes you find it hard to get going. You may be reluctant to leave a comfortable situation and go out to get some work done.

Emotionally you are very stubborn.

You hold onto money, and you try to find ways of earning more, not because you are selfish, but because you like security.

Moon in the Eighth House

Your emotions are very powerful, and your moods go through regular cycles of change, so that you are always growing and evolving internally.

However, you are inclined to keep your feelings to yourself, even when you ought to discuss them with someone. It isn't good to bottle up your angry feelings.

Women will be very important in changing your life and you may "inherit" something from a woman.

You must learn to handle money and possessions carefully, because you will probably have to take care of other people's property.

You love anything mysterious, such as detective stories and crime novels.

Venus in Virgo

You like to do favors for the people you like, because serving is one of the ways that you express love and friendship. The only problem in relationships is that you may believe that people like you for what you do, rather than for what you are. You may underestimate your own worth and not understand why other people like you. Learn to love yourself as well as others.

You have high standards of perfection, but you don't let them overrule your sense of grace and form.

But you must learn not to reject everything and everyone that does not live up to your high standards of beauty or of duty in relationships.

You have a good sense of discipline.

Venus in the Eleventh House

You are a very sociable person who really enjoys good company and good times. You are at your best in a group, and you are an excellent team player in any activity you get involved in.

You like to be with friends who are warm and sociable.

Whoever your friends are, you are likely to enjoy them. Throughout your life, friendship should be a source of pleasure and fun.

Mars in Leo

You have a great deal of pride, and you enjoy doing things on your own initiative. An appeal to your sense of fairness brings out the best in you, and you will do anything to maintain these qualities.

At times you may act arrogant and domineering toward others. You can't always be first, but you have such a need to be a leader that it may be difficult for you to accept anyone else in this role.

You demand that others let you be yourself so you can run your life as you want.

You probably have considerable self-confidence and even courage, but you are not especially reckless. At best you have a good understanding of yourself, of your limitations as well as your strengths. In fact, you may feel uncomfortable with your emotions and weaknesses.

Mars in the Eleventh House

You like to be around people who are active, vigorous and independent. You like to work hard and play very actively with your friends.

It is very important for you to be with people whose goals are similar to yours, because you believe in your own opinions strongly and will defend them vigorously against anyone who challenges them.


Planetary positions
planet sign degree house motion
Sun Leo 03°42'39 10 direct
Moon Taurus 19°20'46 08 direct
Mercury Leo 12°58'53 10 direct
Venus Virgo 03°14'19 11 direct
Mars Leo 25°04'52 11 direct
Jupiter Gemini 29°07'21 09 direct
Saturn Capricorn 08°55'07 03 retrograde
Uranus Capricorn 02°08'09 03 retrograde
Neptune Capricorn 10°22'50 03 retrograde
Pluto Scorpio 12°22'13 01/2 stationary (D)
Pluto is technically near the end of house 1 and is interpreted in house 2.
True Node Aquarius 25°59'48 05 retrograde

House positions (Placidus)
Ascendant Libra 15°32'24
2nd House Scorpio 12°51'56
3rd House Sagittarius 14°03'56
Imum Coeli Capricorn 17°55'39
5th House Aquarius 21°09'36
6th House Pisces 20°42'47
Descendant Aries 15°32'24
8th House Taurus 12°51'56
9th House Gemini 14°03'56
Medium Coeli Cancer 17°55'39
11th House Leo 21°09'36
12th House Virgo 20°42'47

Major aspects
Sun Quincunx Uranus 1°34
Moon Square Mercury 6°22
Moon Square Mars 5°44
Moon Opposition Pluto 6°59
Moon Sextile Medium Coeli 1°25
Mercury Quincunx Neptune 2°36
Mercury Square Pluto 0°37
Mercury Sextile Ascendant 2°34
Venus Sextile Jupiter 4°07
Venus Trine Saturn 5°41
Venus Trine Uranus 1°06
Mars Sextile Jupiter 4°02
Jupiter Opposition Uranus 3°01
Saturn Conjunction Neptune 1°28
Saturn Sextile Pluto 3°27
Neptune Sextile Pluto 1°59
Neptune Square Ascendant 5°10
Pluto Trine Medium Coeli 5°33
Numbers indicate orb
(deviation from the exact aspect angle).


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